Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hmmm... It's been a while.. since i update my blog..

Happy New Year For Everyone!!!

Huarrrhmmm... i'm so soo sooo bored in here.. Pontianak is not a best place to relief your boredomness.. lolz..
hmm anyway.. i'm trying to make my self busy.. well, i did part time job.. but still bored. i hate the manager.. damn bossy.. so i quit the job..

Believe it or not.. I'm getting fatter and fatter.. i can't control my diet nowadays.. starting today i'm going to lose someweight.. my breath getting heavier cos of this.. and jeezz cus of that.. my stamina drops too.. Indonesian food are too tempting.. i couldn't resist hahaxx...

Sometimes, I thought about my High School memories.. wheew.. it makes me sad somehow.. but most of the time i'm always happy..

Yeah.. i gotta fix lots of my problems.. I'm getting my OFFICIAL DRIVING LICENSE hehe.. cuz last time i faked it.. and then Problems with some stupid unknown stranger.. Problems with my Car battery gotta refill the Acidic Liquid..
Hmmm Problems with my Lappy and PC... Problem that involve my friends.. hmm should i mention one by one???.. naah.. i got lots of problems to solve hehehe..

Anyway.. For the record. I might continue my study in Kuching again (Damn It!!!)... IF.. i can't get into Singapore Poly.. which i always dream to enter... hufff... hahah :P

And also i'm happy my wounds are recovered already.. so you could see my handsome face again Hohoho...

hmmmmm..... i would like to Recommend you guys who likes to Read Manga, Downloading Anime Ost, Watching Anime.. to visit this site

however you have to become the member of this site to enable some features that only member can access.. Don't worry i'm one of the STAFF there (hohoh proud!! lolz) just PM me in i'll help you guys in downloading and stuffs..

I'll online everyday in that site.. soo yup.. as an extra info.. it's not only contain Anime and Manga.. it's also contain NEWEST English Songs.. and NEWEST indoensian song (cos of my efforts lolz).. however i still have to upload more songs in Indonesian category.. But Anyway.. you can request the song in the site.. The Other staff and me will try to provide you with the service... don't forget it.. hmm..

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