Wednesday, January 7, 2009

4 Am

Jam 4 Pagi.. 4 AM

Whew!!,, I can't sleep.. i can heard those people in mosque near my house is reading al-quran. sounds nice too.

hmm, Ive got nothing to say btw, cos i've wrote everything in indonesian language.. in my Indonesian blog

only indonesian could understand :P

haha.. anyway.. in short. right now i'm in turmoil state.. is turmoil a correct word to describe it.. i don't know.. but what i felt right now is completely annoying me..

ok.. it felt like.. when you did something which is mean to somebody and you just realised it.. Ohh yea yea. the word is "guilty" hmm "regret".. aahh.. whatever..

Oi Katrina if you read this blog.. don't forget to link me!!... grrr,,, you told me 2 days ago that you'll link me!!.... hahaha.. kidding..

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