Monday, January 5, 2009

More And More..

More and More.. Lagi dan Lagi in indonesian.. Hahaha..

Today was unbeliveable, crazy stuff happens, but that doesn't mean that i'm happy. I'm pissed like shit!!, today completely piss me OFF!!. Why in the hell.. i'm in bad luck today.

once more i got wounded.. not bcos of accident.. but other stuff.. well it's a little cut.. hmm but it's not to small.. can't explain it haha..

first of all, it begins since early morning. i fell from my bed cos i had a nightmare. then when i want to take a bath. i slipped on that fucking wet floor. i bang my head to the wall cos of it. Then!! this stuff starting to becoming more and more violent. wkwk. on the afternoon i was trying to fix my mom's car.. it won't start so i'm planning to use a jumper to ignite the car. not that "IGNITE" but ignite to start the engine.

So, there are no jumper in my house.. those crocodile clip to jump the electrical current i meant. so no choice, then i move my dad's accu(car battery) to my mom's car. my hand was wet cos i accidentally drop the car's oil. Fortunately i'm don't lift it high enough. you know what happen next. i lose the grip then the battery fell. hit my leg. I scream like "ARGHH!!" louder than Tom when he got stabbed with fork by jerry.. After That!!, fuckin crazy keep happening..

Once i moved that battery, i ask my mom to ignite the car.. but then she do it too fast.. i wasn't ready. as a result i got shocked cos of the electricity produced by the battery. phew. lucky i didn't faint. but my pointing finger got burned.. it's ok now, but the heat.. i still feel it till now.

on the afternoon, i left my wallet when i was buying things in the grocery. on the evening a dog chase me when i was jogging fuck fuck fuck!! why in the hell those stuff happening..

fortunately now nothings happen.. but i hope tomorrow will be my lucky day.. i don't want to suffer again!!.. Well,, this stuff might happen bcos you might hate me.. or you don't like me.. well i'm sorry for what i've done.. hahaha.. well that is only one of the factor.. i don't blame you for all this.. hahaha..

well just hope tomorrow will be lot better

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