Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just want to say.. thank god i found her..
Thank god i knew her..

Thank god that i fell in love with her

Who else, other than her?

Can you imagine how hard it is just to make her fight for herself, i'm going through lots and lots of bullshit and pain.. in the end, i finally did it..
2 days is the deal, and can she make it happen??

i know i've been a such a jerk, threating her, treating her badly, making her cry..
but that's the only way
i did use some of the kind way, but it doesn't work..

I'm sorry..
i wish i could say cancel the deal, but this is for yourself..
this time.. you're going to fight.. if you can't.. then it's over..

In the end,
There's alot of way
I just wanna Say
Im Sorry
I love you so much

I hope you can understand why..

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