Friday, December 26, 2008

Yo. Wazzup.(Forgotten Introduction)

Yo Yo Yo.. Whazzup... Hahaha.. I Forgot to Introduce my self.. this is my 3rd blog already. So, you might understand why i forgot to intro myself.
And also due to lot's of fans that wants to know more about me too (haha jokin). I want to publish my Biodata here..

first of all, I'm just an ordinary boy. so you'll never find any Extraordinary story from me.


Name : Muhammad Rafiul Kahfi Ananda
D.O.B : 28 September 1991, Pontianak , Kalimantan Barat , Indonesia
Age : 17
Height : 182 cm
Weight : 84 Kg
Nationality : Indonesian
Race : Indonesian (Melayu for Specific Purpose)
Blood Type : A
Religion : Muslim
Horoscope : Libra
Hobbies : Singing , Guitar-ing , Basketball, Swim, and Badminton

Summary About Me??

I'm no hero, I'm no savior, and don't expect me to become one. Some says i'm cheerful, some says i'm caring, some says i'm kind , intelligent, faithful, loving , humorous, And!!, Some says i'm jerk, i'm idiot, disgusting, pretender, betrayal, shameless, asshole and more you can think off. But that is only what they're saying. Their objective view. but what they think about me actually is a something that i didn't care about.
Ok, here we go. I'm a boy who was born with a normal condition. i'm no handicap. I'm used to be betrayed, hated, hurt, wounded. So it's nothing for me.
Responsible,Care,Loving,Faithful, Tough but Sensitive (if it's about lovelife), are my character. I ain't jokin. Because that is what people ALWAYS said to me. So, if you think i'm heartless,shameless. So you might be the one who're heartless and shameless. Cos you thought that i couldn't feel. To be honest with you. I cried sometimes. When i miss someone. When I lose something important in my life. When i pray. I'm not afraid to admit it. cos i was born with love. So, I'm really sensitive. I understand how people feel. but one thing that i couldn't understand. eventhough i know i hurt those people. but i keep on doing it?. why?.. i found the reason when i. introspect my self. That's because, I have this superb Egoistic feeling. And i don't know how to control it till recently, I found someone who could make me fight this feeling. The way she did it. she hates me. And slowly, bit by bit. I pull my self together. and in the end. i won.
And as you can see. i've changed. 100%, i want to thank her. but i can't contact her. i want to explain everything. i'll do everything. and i promise i'll do whatever she says. and this time i'm serious.


just like what i said before. i ain't hero, i ain't savior, and don't expect me to become one before i could finish what i've start. it's confidential so i won't tell you what is it.
I hope you could know me better by reading this post. thank you.
Streetball On the Move, Play It Love It, Respect. check it out and thanks for reading.

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