Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Daily Activities

4 more months to go.. what a long time.. if you're me.. then you'll know how boring it is to wait.. and wait.. i'm swearing almost everyday.. swearing the day.. cos it's damn boring..

however, thanks to all of my friends. They're able to make me busy. so, say good bye for boredom. Thanks to my phone. ALWAYS ringing.. compare when i was in kuching.. there is no single ring from it.. . Thanks to my Laptop for providing me the entertainment.

Daily activities.
1. Woke up always between 8-10.. if i extremely tired maybe i woke up on 11..
2. Exercising for 15 min
3. Laptop-ing (it's uncertain what time i'll finish)
4. Basketballing in the afternoon.. 3-5.
5. Guitaring at night
6. Sleep at 12++

those are the list of my daily activities.. BOOOORIIIING!!!.. you should understand what i meant by BOOORINNNGG!!!...

ckckc... i'm single right now.. and planning to find a nice GF for me.. so that i can change my daily activities.. hahahahah..
Wish Me LUCK!!!.... kidding... i don't plan anything.. i'm single and lovin it..

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