Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just A Short Notice

I'm Just A Kind of Person Whom Lived Up To My Own Expectations
Living With a Path That Will Lead Me To Light
Overcoming Each and Every Problems That Comes
Showing My Own Expression In My Own Way

That is why , i don't really like to follow other person's blog
adding other person's facebook unless i knew them
approving a person just like that without even knowing them first

I'm simple and yet complicated

Alright, that's all.. Just a short updates to "Remind" you guys
about the current situation..
do not blame me for not approving your friend request
blog follow thingy
twitters (i don't even have one)

=====Brought To You By=====

gotta live my life to the fullest
gotta climb the highest mountain on my own strength
gotta break those waves that hurts others
Lastly protect those whom are dearest to me

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