Sunday, May 24, 2009

Spoiled Economic Class

Sorry my picture wasn't in order but who cares right as long the picture are there.. lol..
ok so this is the picture in the spoiled economic class... i mean it's not spoiled.. only for that day it's spoiled.. everyone is chit chatting and stuff.... we do some crazy stuff back there..

and the lecturer are fine with it so.. go with the flow baybeeh... hahaha..

xin yi kajiao Ms. Lisa..

stupid xin yi.. can't write dismissed.. see clearly what she write >> "dimissed" <<

Spoiled Economic Class

Ninja Malcolm.. Sounds wrong

The Lone handsome Wolf Danny

Yvonne Bullying malcolm... so badd..

Tan wee, Yew yee, Euphemia, Mark, Devy (with the widest smile), Willis act cool , Suk Yee and jayson, behind i dunno whom.. not that clear..

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